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Ning has been promising to realise a way to embed our photo slideshows once again but it is yet to happen. 

Is this something that's still in the pipeline for our N2 slideshows or not? 

If not how about allowing the "/photo/photo/slideshow" page to at least be iframeable. I realise that Ning doesn't allow for our sites to be iframeabe but how about just certain pages like our photo slideshow pages??? This should be an easy overnight task for Ning. 

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  • realise = release 

  •  As long as the page being iframed is within your own site you should be able to iframe the page, it's basically how I added the music page to my homepage, or is it that you want to embed your photo slideshow outside of ning ?

    • I still need to run the page to be iframed thru a site like jsfiddle so that I can have only the part of the page I want to view centered within the iframe and Ning then renders it useless. 
      But you're right I can iframe directly but then I get all the other stuff on that page like the header, footer, etc. that I don't want showing. 

      • If you take a look at the code I used for iframing the music page you will see I removed the parts of the page that was not wanted. You can remove these parts by using jquery to access the iframe and use css within it to remove those elements you do not need as you can see here and also add some to position if required.

        x$('<div class="musicApp-content"></div>').appendTo('.musicApp-page').hide();
        x$('<div class="musicApp"><iframe src=" YOUR URL GOES HERE " frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe></div>').appendTo('.musicApp-content');
        x$(".musicApp iframe").load(function (){
        x$('.musicApp iframe').contents().find("head").append(x$("<style type='text/css'> .before-content{display:none;} .content-header{display:none;} .site-headerFrame{display:none} .site-footerFrame{display:none} .ningbar{display:none} .banner-frame{display:none} .site-bodyFrame{padding-left:0px} .site-body{padding:0px} .content-body{padding:10px} .column-narrow{display:none} body::before{display:none!important} .central-content{min-width:100px} .audioPage{padding:10px} .audioPage{margin-top:0px} body{margin:0px} .central-content{padding-bottom:0px} .audioPage .module-header{padding:4px} .audioPage .module-header{margin: 0px 0 10px 0} .audioPage-player{position:relative!important}</style>"));

        Another way I have done this is to add a class to the page I want to iframe and then remove the elements in design studio then get jquery to check if an iframe or not, if not then show the elements as normal.

        You can also load the photos into a div in an html block from the photo page, then use your own code to make it into a slideshow. I think I have some code for this somewhere, will have a look and see if can dig it out.

  • Scott here is an example fo a custom slideshow I used in the page and just added it to my hompage for you to see, I am sure it can be configured for Ning 2.0

    My Site:

    So all I did was add a latest photos bundle of 20 images, added the name of the bundle into the code so it knows what to look for and gave that a class, this is then used in the code for the slideshow code. Here is the code used


    var li = x$('.photoAds .matrix-itemFluid.photoSection-entry').hide(),
    i = 0;
    x$('.photoAds .matrix-itemFluid.photoSection-entry');
    (function cycle() {
    li.eq(i).fadeIn(300).delay(2000).fadeOut(300, cycle);
    i = ++i % li.length; // increment i,
    // and reset to 0 when it equals divs.length

    jr-images is a social network
    • This is great but you lost me at <script>, lol. 

      Are you for hire or can you recommend someone? 


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