This was asked by J.Ayvar if it was possible to adjust the sizes of the avatars in the messages as they are quite small so here is how to do that.
This will adjust the avatars in the messages table and also in the message detail page. I have set mine to 80px and have tried bigger but 80px seems to be the max for it to look ok. Of course you can go bigger or smaller which is up to you, you just change the 80px values for what you want.
Also you may notice in the code I have removed and border radius for the message table avatars as the increase of size can make these look a little odd, it's been left for the message detail page as that looks ok. ( By the way the border radius is what makes them round if you set that in the effects section of the design studio )
I have tried it on mobile and looks great on that too.
How to set your own sizes for the avatars: To set your own sizes look for the parts which state 80px and this is the values you change, so if you want it to be 60px then replace each instance of 80px for 60px, that's all you need to change.
Badge label text: If you use badges on your avatars and use the text option you can adjust the size of the text by adjusting the font-size in the avatar badge section of the code. Just replace the font size you want to use.
Ok so let's add the code
First we need to add some custom code which goes in your Site&Pages Custom Code End Of Page Section
//Remove Crop Of Profile Avatar
x$(document).ready(function() {
x$('.messages-avatar img, .messageDetailPage img').each(function() {
var messagesImageSize = x$(this).attr('src');
x$(this).attr('src', messagesImageSize.replace(/\?width=\d+\&height=\d+\&crop=\d+\%\d+\A\d+/, ''));
Next we need to add some CSS and this goes in your Design Studio Custom CSS Code Section
/** Increase Messages Avatar Size to 80px in messages table and detail page **/
/*Sets the size of the avatars. Would not recommend going over 80px though */
.messageTable .messages-avatar, .messageDetailPage .avatar-48 { width:80px; height:100%; max-height:80px }
/*Sets the width and also removes any border radius as it can mess up the look of the messages table */
.messageTable .avatar-32{ width:100%; border-radius:0px; }
/*Avatar badge text font size if you use them, adjust font size to fit your site */
.messageTable .avatar-badgeText-32{ font-size:12px }
/* This re-adjusts the padding for mobile size */
@media only screen and (min-width:771px){
.messageTable .messages-item .messages-info { padding-left: 80px; }
That's it all done, here are two images showing the bigger avatars
Message Table
Oh My God! I can't Believe it. Thank you so Much John!
Your most welcome, it was a nice idea and looks much better.
By the way if you want to adjust your activity feed ones we just need a little css to do so. This is what I used on my site
/** Activity Feed **/
.activityFeed-imageUser .avatar-32{ width:54px }/* max is 64px */
.activityFeed-avatar .avatar-48{ width:66px }/* max is 96px */
The first line is another users avatar that is displayed in the activity detail section like when you become friends with someone
The second is the main user avatar by the post on the left.
Thank you John !
Thank you for implementing the code. It is motivating for us (the creators) to see our ideas come to life. In fact, I think that many of us have good ideas to make the platform more user-friendly. But we do not know if that can be possible. Thanks to you, we are comfortable trying to ask what is possible or not.
For example:
I always ask myself why when I want to send an email by private the messaging panel is too large it covers almost the entire screen of my pc. Members usually send short messages and criticize this function of our community a lot because it reminds them the old hotmail.
I also wonder why the Notification Bar is too small.
It has the same size as it has in the cell phone.
Thanks John for all your help. You are a light in Ning 3 just like TJ that with his social apps that make Ning 3 something more friendly .
Thanks J.Ayvar I am just glad I can help where I can. By the way the part in the example can be changed and also the Notification bar. The items you mention are just that way as it was the easiest way to add them without changing to much else because everyone has their own way of looking at things but gladly they added the tools to make it easy to work around by adding our own code. This is one of the biggest things it has over other platforms for the ability to be able to do this.
Will see what I can come up with for these items for you.
John :-)
You can adjust the sizes for the ningbar text and icons with just a little css. Just don't go to big for the mobile side of things.
.ningbar-userLinks { font-size:16px }
.ningbar-link .icon{ font-size:20px }