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Slow and Painful 2.0 Death

Hello Creators community!  I know it has been some time since I have been active here, I don't know where things are at with anyone else's Ning 2.0 sites but mine has been stripped since Dec. 1, 2020 and support has been dragging me along saying that they are working on it but nothing is changing and I am getting no updates as to why my Site design was removed.  Last night I got an email saying they were going to close my ticket and mark it as resolved when my site is still naked.  I want to know how on earth an important file like CSS just gets dumped.  It should look like the image below.  Click the link to see what it has looked like for the past two months.  If anyone can tell me any info that would be great.



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  • NC for Hire

    Have you tried to go back in the Wayback Machine and strip out the old CSS and replace it with the current?

    Wayback Machine
    • That was the first thing I did and even on there it was gone.

      • NC for Hire

        oh man.. that's rough....  

        One time I was able to access my 2.0 in wayback by visiting a post inside creators which linked to my site, then I ran a View Stylesheets bookmarklet on the page and was able to dig my CSS out... hope something similar works for you..

      • NC for Hire


        I think you are a wonderful and good person you have to be objective doesn't it seem ABSURD to you that you pay for a service and you have to protect yourself by buying that stuff?
        • I use the product to use to access older hardisks or to clone as backups. I am a photographer also so I am quite use to backing up my photos which to date I have around 60,000 photos so I need plenty of storage and hard drives are big in storage size and cheap to buy.

          No I do not think it is absurd to use products to backup, it would be the same for any service, you cannot rely on the service to keep your items, codes etc safe, there is always the chance they could have a server failer where items are stored, even photos stored on Google cloud could be lost. Remember we are adding custom items to a product already built so it is up to use to backup OUR items the same as Ning would backup their product. In the terms it will say they are not responsible for your custom code etc. It's a bit like your own computer, you pay for the computer but if it fails and you lose your documents or data it would have been up to you to back it up  so the computer people are only repsonsible for the computer failure not your data being lost.

  • My experience is that Ning 2 is no longer supported.  I eventually moved to Ning 3, but will have to leave Ning because the Ning 3 platform is set up that you cannot reduce your data usage by deleting content.  You can delete a group with 100s of embedded picture files.  The group is gone, but all the picture files are still on the server.  Ning provides no method to sort through all the files on your server to identify those that belonged to a deleted group.

    Here is my thread with my battle with Ning.

    My last comment on my thread

    Since Ning cannot provide a method for me to remove files from a deleted container, I will make arrangements to move my network. I will move my network before the "Data Usage" hits 50 gig.

    NOTE: This was not a problem in the beginning of Ning 2. I could delete a group and the picture files were deleted as well. I was able to control my data usage. After Ning was taken over, this problem popped up. I can see why Ning will not want to fix it. It eventually means more money for Ning.

    Even though I am a long time customer of Ning, I see no reason to stay with, what has become, a dishonest company.

    We cannot reduce our Data Usage by removing content.
    I deleted a group that had 186 pictures posted in comments and they take up about 0.4 gig of space. However, when I deleted the group, my network dis…
    • You make an excellent point, and to back up content we must do it manually.  I can't begin to assume why Ning chooses to have such complete control over the labor of their clients but it certainly isn't a good model for any business owner to work with.  Way too much extra work.


  • I have the exact same problem with my Ning 2.0 network, -- the CSS just disappeared some time ago but I have made zero changes in several years, so I'm certain it's nothing I have done. Are we to understand, then, that Ning effed up CSS for some number of 2.0 users and has no intention of resolving the issue!? Embarrassed that I used to work on this product if this is how the new owners treat long-time customers.

    West Bay Model Railroad Association Network
    The WBMRA was founded in 1947 and recently built a new two-level HO layout in the former Southern Pacific baggage building in Menlo Park, CA
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