As you are probably aware I do have a site but it's mostly just for testing and demo's of things when helping someone out but it's not really a member site as such. Now seeing as I have a gazzilion tips etc it might be a good thing to do and create a member site where I can host them all while also have an interactive site with members. I will still keep the demo site as well so can show how some things work. It will also have information about other things like css tips and how to add it, where to add it and lot's of other useful info.
So seeing as this site will not have demo codes added to it I can really got to town on it and design it in it's own unique way and try to make it like no other Ning site. It will be an interesting project as can use a lot of my own codes and style to create something that demostrates the ability to have something that looks nothing like any off the templates. Also by doing this it will enable me to come up with some new stuff to share as I create the site and come up with new and updated ideas.
I have some ideas for it already and will let you all know where you can find it once it has begun to be built and so you can follow it's progress until it's member ready. I am going to start it over the Christmas break so I can get a lot done before I have to go back to work so at least some of the main structure is done.
That's it for now so look out for new updates soon
Bizz :-)
I'm really curious, I can't wait to have the link to see your works and especially the main theme
Hope to have something to show in about a week but will take a bit longer to complete it ready for members. I will not be using any profile themes on this site as I will still have my other demo site to show those but my new site will have all the codes for them as the new site will be where I will store all my codes etc.
So far though it's looking good though :-)
great! i finished another theme now and i'm testing new code, i'm going to publish it now on your site, i hope it's useful for creators 3.0, it would be nice a public group of theme 3.0