If you have been looking for a FREE way to learn about social media in your own time, I have a secret for you. A platform called Bookmark allows you to take eCourses for free when you sign up using this referral link. These courses each take around 20-30 minutes, they are self paced and you can earn digital badges after completing them... You'll truly learn a LOT!
As someone who is heavily involved in social media and community building, I even learned a lot through the courses. Go ahead and sign up and in addition to being able to create your own website on Bookmark, you can also learn through the eCourses. What do you have to lose?
Here are a list of the courses currently offered on Bookmark:

Thank you, J!
my pleasure buddy!
Hi there!
I think this post worth to be featured!
Thanks for sharing this.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Coolio... thank you..much appreciated...
First featured discussion since Jun 25, 2016!!
Congratulations my friend!! :)
Wow... didn't realize it had been that long.... good to see you G...hope all is well!