This tip is for adding a little drop down arrow for items in your Main Nav that have a sub menu. Now I really don't know why I never thought of doing it this way before so thought I would share it with you.
As we know we have the drop down arrow added for us when in mobile view so I took a look at it and the only reason it does not show in our main nav when not on mobile is just a media query stopping it from showing so all we have to do is add the code with the media query for showing it above the mobile resolution. Now we can add it without a media query but as we may need to adjust the arrow a bit different by using a few margins we add the media query so it does not adjust the mobile version.
So here is the code
margin-left: 10px this moves the arrow over to the right a little away from the tab text
margin-top: 4px this move the arrow down a bit
You do not have to use the margins or you can just adjust the values to suit your site.
The code just goes in your design studio custom CSS
@media only screen and (min-width:769px){
.icon-down::before {
font-family: 'ning-icon-fonts';
content: '\e60d';
float: right;
Love this - thank you John
Thanks Kos, found this way of doing while designing my new menu system for the member site I am getting up together. While add it to my demo site soon as well.
By the way if you find your arrows a little big you can adjust it's size by adding a font size value to decrease or even increase it.
For example I have changed mine to a smaller size like this and as it's smaller decreased the margin-top to 2px
@media only screen and (min-width:769px){
.icon-down::before {
font-family: 'ning-icon-fonts';
content: '\e60d';
float: right;
margin-top: 2px;
font-size: 12px
That's actually better. Nice to demonstrate 'how' they can be adjusted. CSS is intimidating to those unaccustomed to it. Thanks!
super tip!
thanks again,