I hope to save you all some time with this tip. Below you will find 4 text files, each with RSS feeds for major locations around the world, geared to pull all content which has been tagged on your network for the location names. Simply open the TXT file up in a notepad or notepad++ file, Find/Replace all mentions of 'yournetwork' with your own network URL and save for quick access when building RSS modules.
Note: The locations within these files pull instances of locations with the first letter Capitalized. So for example it will pull a feed for the tag 'Australia' or 'Japan' but if you have content tagged 'australia' or 'japan' you will need to change this in the feed before importing.
And on that note, you can also change the tag name to any subject or keyword you like to pull an RSS feed for that tag.
Download and Modify These to Work for Your Feeds
Bonus: When you are finished modifying the feeds to match your network, you can mix and combine them into a mega-feed for example (by Continent) by pasting the feeds you would like to mix into RSSMix which will parse all of the feeds you give it into a single RSS feed.
Good Idea bro. Thanks for sharing
No problem... glad you found it useful... hope it saves you time..
so glad i did this... even saved me time today.
this one just saved me 3 hours of time..
forgot about this one... have to use on new network. Thanks for reposting
again.. it just saved me probably 4 hours of time..so glad i left this tip up!
just saved another 4 hours by leaving this tip up
saved me a ton of time again today
Use the feeds inside this awesome RSS Feed tool
Hi JFarrow,
I was wondering if you had a code for birthdays. I accidentally deleted the code that I had found on this forum years ago. It would alert me when a member had a birthday.
I would appreciate any help you could provide.
Have a great day!