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NC for Hire

What we will be creating is something like this:

fixedfooter ning

Download Text File with All Code

Add the Following HTML to your Below Footer HTML module(customize however you like with HTML):

<div class="arrow animated bounce">
<h1>Hi, im a fixed-Footer!</h1>

Add the Following Code to your Design Studio CSS:

@import url(,300,700);html {  height: 100%;  box-sizing: border-box;}body {  height: 100%;  font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif;  color: #F5F3EC;  background: #333;  margin: 0px;  padding: 0px;}main {  z-index: 1;  position: relative;  height: 100%;  background: url("") no-repeat scroll center center/cover transparent;  box-shadow: 0px 0px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);}footer {  position: relative;  z-index: -2;  height: 300px;  background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #31353A;  font-size: 12px;  color: #CCC;  text-align: center;}footer h1 {  position: fixed;  z-index: 1;  left: 50%;  bottom: 110px;  margin-left: -400px;  width: 800px;  list-style: outside none none;  text-align: center;  font-weight: bold;  color: #FFF;  font-size: 2.125rem;  }@-moz-keyframes bounce {  0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {    -moz-transform: translateY(0);    transform: translateY(0);  }  40% {    -moz-transform: translateY(-30px);    transform: translateY(-30px);  }  60% {    -moz-transform: translateY(-15px);    transform: translateY(-15px);  }}@-webkit-keyframes bounce {  0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);    transform: translateY(0);  }  40% {    -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);    transform: translateY(-30px);  }  60% {    -webkit-transform: translateY(-15px);    transform: translateY(-15px);  }}@keyframes bounce {  0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {    -moz-transform: translateY(0);    -ms-transform: translateY(0);    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);    transform: translateY(0);  }  40% {    -moz-transform: translateY(-30px);    -ms-transform: translateY(-30px);    -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);    transform: translateY(-30px);  }  60% {    -moz-transform: translateY(-15px);    -ms-transform: translateY(-15px);    -webkit-transform: translateY(-15px);    transform: translateY(-15px);  }}.arrow {  position: absolute;  bottom: 50px;  left: 50%;  margin-left: -20px;  width: 20px;  height: 20px;  background-image: url();  background-size: contain;}.bounce {  -moz-animation: bounce 2s infinite;  -webkit-animation: bounce 2s infinite;  animation: bounce 2s infinite;}

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  • Awesome tip JF, thank you for sharing your cods. :-)

  • Going to give this a try.  Thanks!

  • NC for Hire

    cool guys... just a quick little thing.. totally customizable... glad you like it!

    you could even combine it with this POWr tip   to get something like this:


    Clickiing that image will take you to the code view View it full screen here
  • Pretty slick man. Think I might play around with this to hide and display titles for pics or group list images...

    Thanks ;)

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