Hi Ning. I notice that there has not been an announcement from you with your 'Welcome to the Lander Page' since August 2018. What's going on with the network at the moment. What is the next stage of development.
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Traddie, yes I've been wondering the same thing. It all got of to a good start then all of a sudden stopped ( reminicent of the old Ning ). Communication is key and it's all gone very quiet. Bit of a worry really which is why I only have a site for creating tips and not open to having lot's of members join.
Another reason I advocate "Archiving your S***" to put it bluntly. Don't care what way you do it but do it especially since the tools that made it simple are no longer supported.
One could look at this gap in announcements as either a positive sign or a worrisome one. I think it's clear which one seems more likely hence the suggestion for "Archiving your S***" if you have more than just a test site.
We do appreciate your interest in the development of our platform.
And we are working on the new features and updating those that we have already.
We will inform all our network creators of all the updates on the platform as soon as we are ready.
Best regards,
The Ning Team