Are you sick of right-clickers? Me too. I'm gonna show you the short and sweet of how to disable right click on your ning using a jquery code. You can also use this code to add a custom context menu to your site, but we won't go into that here at this time. This code detects right-clickers.
//you can enter your code here, e.g a menu list
//cancel the default context menu
add this to your custom code box and exterminate right clickers
You may want to roll over to homey TJ's site for a beginners guide to jquery, if you're lost..
Thanks J. But is the code supposed to be vertical like how you have it here? Doesn't seem to work.
Hi J!
Thanks for the link! :-)
I haven't tried the code but it looks about right. Maybe should be x$ though, for here at Ning, right? And needs to be inside script tags, as my Beginners Guide explains.
This should do the job; very nice!!!
Best wishes!
Not working here. Shouldn't be surprised since G Mail is giving me a 502 Error. Seems to be the day for these things.
I don't have this code on my site. Is that what you meant? LoL sorry if I misunderstood!
I was just saying that Ning uses x$ for jQuery, not the normal $ alone that most other sites use for jQuery code. So for this to work on a Ning site, maybe it needs to be:
<script type="text/javascript">
//you can enter your code here, e.g a menu list
//cancel the default context menu
return false;
Best wishes!
Ha! It works! Thanks once again TJ!
Happy time!
@Kris Oh Okay, I understand now!
@Flint Ning still uses x$. Maybe the site you mention calls another version of the jQuery library.
If you View Source on any Ning site, you'll find a line near the bottom:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
If you take a look at that core.min.js you will see:
/* This file is auto-generated. Do not edit it directly. What's inside: jquery (as x$()), jquery.json, dojo-adapter */ if(window.bzplcm)window.bzplcm.ts('js');
* jQuery JavaScript Library v1.6.2
So we still need to use x$ here. I just tried a little code on my site using $ rather than x$ and in the FireFox Error console, I saw:
$ is not a function
So maybe you bring in the jQuery library with a line like this:
<script src=""></script>
Then the code with $ alone will work fine.
Best wishes!
Thanks TJ...this one worked and thank you JFarrow for the great idea! This just solved a big problem I was having with another site creator "grabbing" my images and gifs without asking....Geez...whatever happened to "can I use that please?" and we all know what the answer would have been...-yes
Hi TJ!
Where exactly would I need to place this code to prevent someone from right clicking on my Network background and/or my main page? Would this affect Groups as well (not wanting it to).
Also, would I need to place this separately on my personal page as well?
Thanks For Your Time,
Hi Cautious,
This code, which should go in your Custom Code box (also known as Analytics box), should work anywhere on your site. But I haven't used it on my site so I can't say for sure. If you want it to not work on Groups, this might work:
<script type="text/javascript">
var curloc = window.location.href + '';
if (curloc.indexOf('/group/') == -1) {
return false;
Best wishes!
I apologize for not responding sooner but I've been really working hard revamping before reopening my network. I've learned more in the past three days then I have the entire time I've been on Creators. The 2nd time around will be awesome.
I have copied this code TJ and will indeed, try it out soon.
Thanks For Your Help! (you too JFarrow)