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NC for Hire

Just a quick note to let you guys know that I have added a new tool to Ning Powered Events for generating the Author Link for Google+ profiles, which can be really helpful when building Bio Boxes for Articles on your Ning Network.  Its very simple..take a look.

I have been adding all sorts of tools for Mapping and Searching on the group so be sure and follow the group if you'd like to be the first to take advantage of these time saving tools and super-charge your events on Ning Networks.  I also have several tools that I have added to my own site which you can take advantage of.

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Some interesting articles related to community management, digital marketing etc. could be found in our digest. Don't hesitate to leave a feedback so we would know that we should continue :-)

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Eva Libre replied to Eva Libre's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"Thanks for your help, ⚡JFarrow⌁I'm having some health problems at the moment, which is why I'm only…"
5 hours ago
⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to Zoe Dune's discussion
NING's Landing Page Issues, Third Party Options, Suggestions?
"I just sent you my contact info in a message.  Call me and ill talk with you about some options.."
⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to Eva Libre's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
" One way to get your activites in groups to show up in your feed is to combine the feeds from…"
Eva Libre replied to Mar's discussion
Comments appearing in activity feed
"Yes, this is one of several problems with the Activity Feed in Ning 3.0!"
Sep 1
Eva Libre replied to Eva Libre's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"Thanks for your input..."
Sep 1
Eva Libre replied to Eva Libre's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"It is annoying and tedious not to see when a member joins a group. Or if there is a new group! Just…"
Sep 1
Mar updated their profile photo
Aug 28
Mar updated their profile
Aug 28
Mar replied to Eva Libre's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"Yes, I'm also struggling with this problem. The activity feed is pretty bad right now. It doesn't…"
Aug 28
AnGella updated their profile
Aug 28
AnGella updated their profile photo
Aug 28
Zoe Dune replied to Zoe Dune's discussion
NING's Landing Page Issues, Third Party Options, Suggestions?
"UPDATE: I'm not sure what happened but I assume that NING deleted their pre-installed templates in…"
Aug 9

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