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NC for Hire

How to add multiple custom navigation menus in Ning?
Follow the steps and instructions:

Step 1: Copy and paste the below code into custom code in Ning 2.0 and custom code (End of Page Code) in ning 3.0. If you want to customize (you should have a basic knowledge of css) the menu please download the custom_menu.css file and upload it into your own server after editing it.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="">


Step 2: Download the html.txt file and save it on the desktop. After downloading it you can edit the html.txt file but you should have a basic knowledge of html.

Now add AD BOX BELOW HEADER> switch to html mode> copy the code from html.txt file> and paste the code into ad box. You are done.

Now the original navigation bar is not required. You can hide it using the following code in custom css via design studio in ning 3.0 and advanced css in ning 2.0.

/****** hide menu bar in ning 3.0 ****/

.navbar {
display: none;

/**** hide menu bar in ning 2.0***/

#xg_navigation {
display: none;



If you are looking for more than this tip or want to hire me for any kind of Ning custom job or ning re-designing jobs, you can directly contact me @

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  • Hey Bernard, nice tip. We sometimes get questions about adding sub-subtabs, sub-sub-subtabs, and so on, and this looks like it will be a big help!


    • NC for Hire

      Thank you Aaron. I've seen asking this kinda question here on NC too before. So I thought of sharing with NCs.



  • NC for Hire

    nice tip Bernard.... looks very promising for 2.0 networks but doesn't seem to adapt to screens in a responsive manner.. is this something you are working on presently?


    • NC for Hire

      Well Jfarrow, this tip is based on ning .2.0. the multiple  menu has such a long menu when we show vertical menu bar. So I thought this is not a good idea to make it responsive. Perhaps, I'm thinking of making it responsive later on. If you have a better idea please feel free to suggest us. Thank you Jafarrow, you are awesome.

      • NC for Hire

        no, thank you!  I like where you are going with this, just thought it might not be ready for 3.0 yet... i'll see what I can do to make it responsive..

        great tip... wish i had this a year ago!

  • Thanks for the tip.

  • NC for Hire

    Very useful indeed!

  • Haven't had the opportunity to try this out - but plan to.  Will come back and let you know how I do. :)  Thanks for sharing Bernard

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