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NC for Hire

If you're not too fond of the Cafepress Ning app but would like to add a cafepress widget to your site, here is how to effectively do that.  You can get the Cafepress widget here.  You will not be able to add it successfully to a page or note without a simple hack.  Here is how to do that.

Instructions and Hack

Go to  the widget page here, plug in your store ID and grab your widget code.


Now go to your favorite text editor (I use kompozer) and add a 1 cell Table to a new document.  Change the style of the table to have 0px border and paste the widget code from above INSIDE the table. Also make sure that the width of the table cell is the same as the width of the widget you've chosen. Center align the table cell.  Now grab the entire HTML code for the table including the widget code and paste it into a page, text box or note on your ning network.  Take a look at the result here.




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  • That's good to know J. That would be good to place onto my profile pages I have on other sites.

    There's a big drawback to having it on your own site though. When an item is selected you are taken out of your site.

    What I did on my own site was simply iframe it onto a page. This way when you select an item you're still on my site.

    See it here: Surf Swag

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